New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century, Canadian Edition, addresses the needs of upper-level entrepreneurship and new venture courses. Timmons provides strong, comprehensive theoretical coverage balanced with practical examples and cases, all designed to instruct students on how to formulate, plan for, finance, launch, manage, and eventually harvest a new venture. Timmons, Canadian Edition, is a rigorous, practical, and experiential text. The hands-on approach gets students thinking, planning, and ready to execute their own businesses. The text is practitioner-focused, features an especially rigorous section on financials, and focuses on high-growth, innovative ventures. Timmons covers the process of getting a new venture started, growing the venture, and successfully harvesting it. Through text, case studies, and hands-on exercises, this "how-to" text guides students in discovering the concepts of entrepreneurship and the competencies, skills, tools, and experience that will equip them to recognize entrepreneurial opportunities. Acknowledging that there is no substitute for actually starting a company, the Timmons authors believe it is possible to expose students to many of the vital issues and immerse them in key learning experiences that result in successful new venture creation.

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... This research is distinct in that it takes the starting point of what constitutes success for SMEs from the viewpoint of the Owner/Manager. SMEs are regarded as vulnerable given their size and lack of resource (Timmons, 1999a). Shocks to the business may lead to failure, hence survival is often a key issue especially for young SMEs. ...

... Governments claim they wish to support SMEs because they represent a sizeable part of the economy and wish to encourage the foundation and growth of SMEs. Many schemes have been devised to support SMEs, yet their effectiveness has been limited, partially given that start-up businesses tend to be fragile (Timmons, 1999a). Often the reasons for their fragility are cash flow, funding or lack of knowledge (awareness and ability). ...

... Entrepreneurs' business vision (Ifinedo, 2008) also offers success to SMEs which can maintain survival (Timmons, 1999a) and establish lifestyle business as to ensure worklife balance (Yasbek, 2004), Set up spin-off businesses or sell a business (Bruce and Picard, 2006) and bring social influence and corporate social responsibility (CSR) (Baden et al., 2009) etc. is also regarded as a measure of success. Hence Simpson et al. (2012b) argued SMEs should use multi-dimensional measures to define their success which may be better aligned to SMEs' business objectives. ...

  • Boran Li Boran Li

Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) are an important part of any economy consistently contributing over 90% of businesses, 60% of employment and over 50% of GDP. They are regarded as a key source of innovation and business growth, and so governments globally attempt to support SMEs. Given the SME sector is very diverse covering almost all industrial sectors, the focus of this research is on the The service sector. Whilst there has been considerable research on 'success' this has been driven by external views, in this research the focus will be on how SMEs view success. The research explores SMEs' definitions of success from the SMEs' view using qualitative research methods based on interviews and a survey. Using SMEs' opinions, this research determines the attributes that SMEs believe create success. This approach takes a broad perspective and includes the ecology in which SMEs exist. Firms define themselves as SMEs in relation to their own industrial sector. They view themselves as successful if they are financially sustainable and often attach importance to achieving non-financial goals. They widely interact with their environment to acquire knowledge, skills, employees and customers. Start-ups in particular attempt to gain visibility. Their interaction with others includes competitors when there is mutual benefit, primarily through referrals. The contribution of the thesis is an enhanced understanding of SMEs' view of success and how they see themselves as achieving success. Their view of success is based on their stage of development and their self-identification within the market place. At an early stage of development, they are seeking visibility and market penetration through personality. In later stages, they either develop their business further or maintain a stable position. This research has some theoretical contributions in terms of developing the perception of SMEs, giving definition to success, modified the 5 stages of development model, enriching the factors influence SMEs in achieving success, extending the scope of competitive advantages. This research also develops an adaptive framework by combining the discussion of SMEs stage development, dynamic capability, adaptive capability under the resource-based theory and competitive advantage theory. The methodological contribution is it rather than previewing SMEs within the 5 stage development model, the findings suggest potentially SME form into two groups young and mature. The practical contribution is it offers insight into SMEs' views of success and how to achieve it.

... This study analyzes the characteristic of entrepreneurs that leads to success from entrepreneurship research. Timmons (1994) stated that entrepreneurial characteristics include "creativity and innovation" and "business management ability, business, know-how, and networks," and successful entrepreneurs possess both. It has been suggested that entrepreneurship education should focus on a broader range of entrepreneurial attitudes (e.g. ...

... Gibb's (2002) suggests that the traditional focus of entrepreneurship education on business and new venture management is inadequate to address the needs of a society that is challenged by the uncertainties and complexities of globalization, and therefore an innovative and radical approach is needed. Timmons (1994) argues that entrepreneurship involves real-world entrepreneurial activities that are uncertain and unpredictable and consequently traditional models such as psychological and competitive strategy models are not effective. ...

... It has been observed that people do not automatically learn from experience (McCall, 2004) but experiences such as a challenging job, a failure in leading a project, an assignment in a new area of the company become "courses" in the school of experience (Christensen, 2012). According to Timmons (1994), the three factors that affect the success of a new business are business opportunity, entrepreneurship, and management resources, and the balance between these factors is important. Business opportunities are created from the skills, knowledge, and personal connections accumulated by the experience of entrepreneurs, and it is conceivable that a concept created by introspection will serve as a management resource for new business and lead to success. ...

... As principais características empreendedoras são: inovador; assume riscos moderados; criativo; comunicativo; persuasivo; negociador; informado; sabe resolver problemas; sabe controlar os recursos; sonhador realista; líder; cria método próprio de aprendizado; conhece o ramo em que atua; orientado para resultados futuros; tem autonomia, autoconfiança, otimismo, necessidade de realização, intuição; tem energia, presença e tenacidade; não tem medo do fracasso; aprende com resultados negativos e com os erros; necessidade de aprovação; trabalha em equipe. (DOLABELA, 2004;TIMMONS, 1999;TIMMONS;SPINELLI, 2008;FILION, 1991;FILION, 1997). ...

... As principais características empreendedoras são: inovador; assume riscos moderados; criativo; comunicativo; persuasivo; negociador; informado; sabe resolver problemas; sabe controlar os recursos; sonhador realista; líder; cria método próprio de aprendizado; conhece o ramo em que atua; orientado para resultados futuros; tem autonomia, autoconfiança, otimismo, necessidade de realização, intuição; tem energia, presença e tenacidade; não tem medo do fracasso; aprende com resultados negativos e com os erros; necessidade de aprovação; trabalha em equipe. (DOLABELA, 2004;TIMMONS, 1999;TIMMONS;SPINELLI, 2008;FILION, 1991;FILION, 1997). ...

A inovação é uma premissa para as empresas que buscam se destacar no seu ramo de atuação, devido à necessidade de constantes mudanças. É fundamental que as empresas valorizem o seu capital humano, proporcionando clima organizacional adequado ao desenvolvimento de ideias, que podem gerar inovação e consolidação dos seus negócios. Diante disso, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a influência da cultura organizacional nos processos de inovação de uma empresa de médio porte no ramo de eletroeletrônicos no Estado de Santa Catarina. É uma pesquisa do tipo estudo de caso, descritiva, quali e quantitativa, com a realização de entrevistas com funcionários de diferentes níveis hierárquicos, incluindo equipes de gestão e direção da organização. O estudo utilizou o modelo metodológico de cultura organizacional proposto por Hosftede (2003). Os resultados apontam distanciamento entre líder e subordinado, falta de estímulo, alta rotatividade característica do setor de atuação, departamento de pesquisa, inovação e desenvolvimento, prêmios de inovação e ambiente favorável à inovação, especialmente nos níveis hierárquicos estratégicos.

... These three stages are to (1) generate the idea of establishing a company, (2) identify potential opportunities, and (3) make decisions to establish a business (Singh, 2001). This shows that the identification of entrepreneurial opportunities is the precursor of entrepreneurial activity engagement (Ozgen and Baron, 2007), and capable entrepreneurs can find attractive and valuable opportunities for execution, thereby promoting the production of such activities (Timmons and Spinelli, 2010). ...

  • Yujia Jiang
  • Guobiao Li
  • Xu Cai
  • Leilei Huang

At present, research in the field of college students' entrepreneurship has proliferated, but these studies tend to analyze the net benefits of various factors on entrepreneurial activities, which are affected by the configuration effects of multiple factors; hence, it remains unclear whether entrepreneurial education can make graduates more efficient to started their own companies. To fill this gap in the literature, drawing on general systems theory and using fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA), we take 1,87,914 undergraduate and junior college students from 1,231 colleges and universities in China as a sample to explore the relationships among the five conditions in the entrepreneurship education environment and cognitive level (i.e., the quality of staff, subject curriculum, entrepreneurial competition, intentions, and opportunity identifications) and entrepreneurial activities. The fsQCA results show that none of these factors are sufficient for entrepreneurial activity. In contrast, three combinations of the five conditions (i.e., co-creation type, competition-oriented environment, and entrepreneurship education that fits under the guidance of entrepreneurial intention) can produce high entrepreneurial activity, as well as substitution and complementarity among the various elements within the configuration. These results show that the combined effect of the five conditions is more conducive to the entrepreneurial activities of college students. Finally, after a discussion of the study's findings, theoretical, and practical contributions are analyzed with regard to the field of entrepreneurship in Chinese colleges, and alternative options indicate that college students are more likely to become entrepreneurs in the future.

... According to Timmons-Spinelli (2003), "entrepreneurship is a way of thinking and acting that is opportunity-oriented, holistic in approach, and balanced by governance (leadership)". ...

  • Manuela Rozalia Gabor Manuela Rozalia Gabor
  • Camelia Dambian

This study brings to the fore a topical issue in today's society, namely the importance of emotional intelligence in interpersonal relationships and especially in an organization, the link between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction and occupational stress. Any organization carries out a succession of activities, stages, operations through which economic goods are obtained for customer satisfaction. In any organization, the role of the manager is to make decisions and for the employees to start actions for its operationalization. Due to the fact that the term emotional intelligence has been introduced on the market for several years, this notion is substantiated and has a special efficiency in managerial activity. The scientific issue is argued by the possibility of establishing the limits of the theoretical bases, the methodological representations of the identification of the organizational stress and of the emotional intelligence in the circumstances of the application of a certain managerial behavior.

... According to Timmons-Spinelli (2003), "entrepreneurship is a way of thinking and acting that is opportunity-oriented, holistic in approach, and balanced by governance (leadership)". ...

  • Uwe Radtke Uwe Radtke
  • Doreen Kaempf

Sustainability is a "wicked" subject – which most people automatically relate to energy. But it's more. Locally – here specially for the area of district heating – it has many relationships within several areas. The article will try to shed some light how the 17 SDGs are related to a local district heating company, the local sugar factory, public transportation and the local grid. To use wood chips for a district heating system seems very common but using a waste product such as methane gas (or something close to it) and converting it into better Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) instead of creating only energy out of it, is a local novum. Sustainable urbanization – mainly heating in this article - is a term – the wickedness comes with implementation. While agriculture and urbanization fight for the same resource as the woodchip powered heating source – the forestation.

... Para Timmons (1990), o empreendedorismo trata-se de uma revolução silenciosa, que será para o século XXI, mais do que a Revolução Industrial foi para o século XX. O século XX foi marcado por vários acontecimentos que contribuíram para estruturação do cenário contemporâneo, podemos destacar a criação da televisão, satélite, computador, microprocessador e a internet, este último vem revolucionado a forma de relacionamento pessoal e de negócios. ...

  • Dorcas Weber Dorcas Weber

As mudanças ocorridas nos modos de comunicação em decorrência do advento das tecnologias digitais da informação e comunicação já não são novidade. Contudo, a discussão que circunda os avanços tecnológicos e os processos comunicacionais no contexto da educação seguem no topo da lista dos assuntos em debate, visto que a todo momento são experimentadas novas formas de pensar e fazer essa integração. Considerando que os espaços educacionais não estão restritos ao espaço escolar e que práticas educativas ocorrem também em distintos espaços culturais, é interessante compreender de que maneira estes espaços estão buscando integrar as tecnologias, em especial a internet, às suas propostas. Desde o final da década de 1990 os museus têm despontado na internet por meio de suas páginas, de modo que é quase impossível pensar na existência de instituições que não estejam nesta rede. Passados mais de 20 anos é quase óbvio pensar que as instituições culturais façam uso das potencialidades da internet para o desenvolvimento de suas diversas atividades. Neste cenário, buscou-se com as informações disponibilizadas pelo Cadastro Nacional de Museus, trazer à luz algumas informações e reflexões sobre um levantamento realizado em websites de museus de arte brasileiros e o uso da internet para o desenvolvimento de suas ações educativas.

  • Shaka Yesufu Shaka Yesufu

The Spaza retail outlet is predominately found in South Africa's black populated areas or townships. It also has a historical significance to it because, during the apartheid years, black people were not allowed to move freely by the white minority rule. This study is qualitative research where the author carried out an extensive literature review to look first, at the background, characteristics , challenges, and future directions that affect the Spaza micro businesses in South Africa. The research aims to first highlight the importance of micro-businesses. Second, to highlight the need for South Africa's government initiatives to support small businesses for sustainable growth of the economy and to explore whether this support is far-reaching enough to protect the Spaza retail shops. The authors rely on Karl Marx's theory of class struggle as the theory informing the study. Some of the findings are: Spaza owners need to be more trained in business management, entrepreneurial skills, advertisement, social networking and marketing research, accounting and bookkeeping, technology, and innovation concerning promoting their businesses. The Spaza's annual revenue stream for the South Africa government currently stands at 5.2 % of the GDP.

This study aims to assess the relationship between R&D and economic growth in terms of their ability to understand R&D management. In the paper, the algorithm of actions was used, which allows ensuring interconnection, sequence of work, validity of the choice of the methods used, and defining key factors over a long period. The following methods of the empirical study were used: analysis of the provision of level development; regional analysis of the data; correlation analysis. Based on correlation analysis the impact of economic growth on R&D was investigated, which is expressed by such variables as the number of organizations engaged in R&D, internal expenditures in R&D, expenditures for technological innovations, number of employees in R&D. The data were obtained from the World Bank, the Eurasian Economic Union, and the statistical yearbook of Kazakhstan for 2009–2019. The results obtained show that all determinants correlate not only with the GDP but with each other as well. According to the findings, viewing the GDP level, there is a positive and negative correlation link between such two factors as 'the number of research organizations' and 'R&D technological innovations'. These coefficients of correlation between GDP and independent factors selected for the analysis are significant, i.e. they can significantly affect the value of the GDP. The obtained results are useful in formulating the R&D development management strategy. AcknowledgmentsThis study has been funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (grant IRN AP08052800 "Intellectual potential of the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan: assessment and development prospects").

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